Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm this many *Holds up 5 fingers*!

The video was insightful. The speaker made several points about how playfulness can help your mind wander and allow you to come up with great ideas. The speaker explained that as we grow older, we become embarrassed to share our ideas. However, these ideas can be our best ideas! The speaker had the audience (adults ranging from 30 and up) to draw the person sitting next to them in a short span of seconds. After the time was up, the audience looked at their portrait and began to apologize to their neighbors. The speaker explained that this reaction was similar to other adults who did the exercise. However, children who did the exercise did not express any apologizes but happily showed their masterpieces to anyone wanting to see them. The speaker continued to explain that we should not be embarrassed with our ideas and to be more playful!

For this exercise, my sister and I decided to create a tent. Celine and I took our twin beds, propped them up and draped sheets across them. We then placed several blankets and pillows underneath our tent. After our tent was all set up, we began to play various patty cake games!! We also talked about princesses and princes. We had a great time!

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